By Sean HarrisSerpent Room (Always follows Geyser. Always leads to Tomb)
Don will pop out onto a stone walkway, but as he’s crossing the floor gives way and sends him down onto a platform in the middle of a lake. He rises to find several serpents coming out of the depths to greet him. Press SWORD after he draws, then a second SWORD, and finally SWORD again to decapitate the monsters. Don will resheathe his weapon and leap to another platform to the left. Angles change and we see him land on yet another platform, coming head to head with another surfacing snake.
Press RIGHT to jump to another platform and escape, and then LEFT to avoid another serpent. Don will leap and grab hold of a hanging vine. Now he’s swinging around like Tarzan, with dragon-sized serpents gnashing about. Hit SWORD and then SWORD again on commands to lop off their big heads. Press DOWN as the vine comes across an empty platform, and Don will drop from his makeshift rope and exit the room.
Tomb (Always follows Serpent Room. Leads to Totem Poles, Avalanche, or Graveyard I)
Ahh…the king for which this fortress was built. He’s been dead about a hundred years, however, and as Don enters the room we see the lid of his sarcophagus open. After the mummified remains rise, the creature will swing a long rotting bandage at you.
Press RIGHT to jump out of the way. He’ll try again, and you can either jump UP or to the LEFT (alternate move) to avoid it. The mummy will now coil his bandage up and lasso it around his head a few times, aiming, and then relaunch. Press SWORD to parry, however the bandage will wrap around your blade and pull it from your hands.
The mummy prepares another strike as Don grips his fingers around a spear hanging on the wall. Move quickly RIGHT (or use the alternate move of SWORD) to pluck the weapon from its home and avoid the bandage that comes at you again, then follow with SWORD to throw the spear across the room and hit a bulls-eye. In a strange explosion, the undead creature departs and leaves Don as the new Lord of the temple.